Overcoming Andromax New C2 Bootloop Or Softbrick

ABOUT ZENFONE - Overcoming Andromax New C2 Bootloop Or Softbrick, Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.Hi buddy? amatnewbe would share the tutorial tackle Andromax c2 which bootlop or sofbrick. Why an android how can bootlop or sofbrick? this occurs because of damage to the file system disebebabkan android or it could be user error (user) in mengoprek nor modify existing files on android which resulted in the android becomes problematic as the above example bootlop. for bootlop problem is already familiar for a opreker or maniac android because they often modify android on going through a stage name android bootlop. but for my friend who was learning phase oprek android and experiencing the same issue do not worry because such a problem that can be cured as long as no damage is fatal.amatnewbe already menyiap tutorial to solve this problem bootlop. however newbe give tutorials on Andromax C2 well for my friend who wanted to know how to listen to the tutorial below.

The characteristic can be cured dd

Although they can be lit up logo smartfren
Vibrates when turned on, although only vibrate
Well if there ciri2 as above hh you can still be saved.

Dowload first danger

The steps are:

     Download all the material was
     Extract tf updates that will generate feedback phizl_recovery ad688g.v1 folder into the folder and rename it to recovery ad688.v1 when there notif select yes.replace.

* Note: if you Anmax dd new c2 ad688g.v1 be newad688g.v1 rename folder and open the folder to rename newad688g.v1 ad688g.v1.xml also be newad688g.v1.xml

     Move the folder to sdcard ad688g.v1 attach it to dd
     In the circumstances mm die press the power button, volume down (-), and vol up (+) simultaneously
     After the flame sepaskan wait for the process to complete\

When finished push the power button for 5 seconds. wait a bit long boot process just wait 5-10 minutes and when lit tara ... hh you have healed and has been updated to 4.4 kitkat

=> If hh friend wants diroot directly refer to the following tutorial

Move files update SuperSU v2.zip to sdcard
Turn off hh. in a state of death dd push the power button and vol down (-) simultaneously until the logo appears smartfren then separated.
HH you are now in recovery mode.
Select install zip> chose zip from sdcard0> select updatesu earlier> yes install
after completion reinstall the dawn again select reboot system now.

Well maybe so many tutorials that can amatnewbe provide to troubleshoot problems or sofbrick bootlop happened to Andromax c2. if my friend is still confused, please leave a comment on a column that has amatnewbe provide. I hope this post can be useful for all my friend. bosan2 do not stop by this blog newbe ya buddy. and forward updatean amatnewbe other than thank you for visiting. greeting newbe

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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